Education Resources

Trident United Way is proud to connect our community to numerous resources on both a national and local level that support education and early childhood literacy.


National Resources

Lastinger Center University of Florida:

The PEW Charitable Trusts:

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation:

The Annie E. Casey Foundation:

The UPS Foundation:

United Way Worldwide:

Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning:

National Association for the Education of Young Children:

Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University:

National Center for Families Learning:

National Center for Education Statistics:

Education Week:

Edutopia (George Lucas Educational Foundation):

No Small Matter:

The Early Advantage 2:

Read Across America:


Local Resources

Berkeley County Library:

Charleston County Library:

Dorchester County Library:

South Carolina Childcare Resource & Referral:

First 5 South Carolina:



For more information please contact Cathy Easley at or (843) 740-7733.